Okay, old chum, I have some words to say. You can hold onto this guild for the rest of your life and make that the mask you wear, donning the cape of your story and become a super villain to yourself or you can unmask this anti-hero. We, in our limited knowledge of the why's and wherefore's, know shit.
In her name you are spreading love. Do not limit her in your cage of deprecation by thinking she was only that shell of a person at the end and continues to be so. She is vaster than you think and a part of her dwells in the heart of all you touch.
Stop flogging yourself for your limitations. That age that you condemn yourself with is a self-centered time as it should be. When I look back at all the me's at different ages I cringe.
My advice is that whenever a thought of your beloved comes to you tarnished by guilt, immediately bless her with something like "You are divine." Don't limit her to a resentful ego. And as you give so you receive. "I AM divine."
Be kind to your self. You are perfect as you are, playing your part. I love you. Now stop it!❤️🙏😇